
How Pinnacle Works

Click to See the Pinnacle Process
Backed by Decades of Science

Continuous Upward Feedback

Managers choose teammates to conduct a quarterly survey on their leadership, then debrief the results with an executive coach. Results get updated every two weeks with a quick two-question pulse survey.

Our proprietary assessment leverages decades of psychometric science, including the Gallup 12 and Qualtrics Manager Effectiveness Index.

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Ai-Driven Behavioral Nudges

Personalized Micro-Learning

Every week, managers receive AI-driven management tips in Slack and Microsoft Teams, personalized to their unique growth needs.

Content is licensed from top training institutions serving thousands of companies from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies.

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A Human-in-the loop solution

Just-In-Time Coaching

Pascal is a knowledgeable, empathetic, virtual coach available 24/7 to help managers and employees navigate complex interactions and develop their careers.

Built upon years of expertise of human coaches and cutting-edge AI technology, Pascal is a personalized thought partner, guide, and cheerleader. 

Pascal is 10x more interactive, personalized, and scalable than traditional approaches. We coach your employees for a year for less than the cost of one live session. You can finally give everyone the coaching they deserve.

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Learn From What Works

Use Proven Content

Pinnacle's content has been developed by leadership and learning experts, as well as licensed from training institutions that have served thousands of growth-stage startups to Fortune 100 companies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I already have management training?

The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve documents that people lose 90% of what they learn within one week. Pinnacle's spaced repetition reinforces your training and makes it stickier, so that managers actually make the changes you hope for.

How does Pinnacle measure success?

The upward feedback is repeated every three months to demonstrate concrete, measurable progress.

How do you keep managers engaged?

The AI and human elements of Pinnacle work in tandem to keep managers invested in their development. AI ensures that managers receive the content they need when they need it, and the coach provides added weekly accountability to make sure there is follow-through.

How long should my managers use Pinnacle?

Pinnacle is intended to be a tool for ongoing professional and career development and can be used in perpetuity. As managers grow or get promoted, their needs evolve, and Pinnacle's content adapts. We suggest any individual manager use the tool for a minimum of six months.

How does this fit with my culture and existing leadership frameworks?

Pinnacle can be configured to align the team evaluation and content to any values, competency frameworks, or specific learning goals that your organization may already have.

What software does Pinnacle integrate with?

Pinnacle currently integrates with Slack and Teams. We have future integrations planned for all common HRIS and LMS tools.
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